Location: Denmark
Dates: 4 – 8 October, 2021
QUDOT-TECH Summer School 2 offers an intensive 5-day program on
Quantum communication & Optical quantum computing. This training consists of lectures on the basic theories of quantum communication, as well as protocols and schemes for optical quantum computing, including linear optics quantum computing and measurement-based quantum computing with cluster states.
In addition to the theoretical lectures, the trainees will learn to apply their basic knowledge about QDs from ASC1 to real-life applications within Quantum Information technology.
Under the theme of
Innovation, and to further equip and prepare the researchers for a wide range of career opportunities, this training targets maximizing impact by installing an application-oriented mind-set and an entrepreneur-like culture to ensure the transfer of new Quantum Information devices and technological inventions from Academia to Industry. Invited talks about real-life company spin-outs from academia will be given by members of industry in the project network.
See the course program
The course is part of an EU-funded, MSCA Innovative Training Networks project, for which 15 Early Stage Researchers will acquire deep insight in computational, experimental, and/or industrial aspects of QI science and applications.